Hello Everyone!
Last year, we made our debut performance at the Karuizawa International Choral Festival's (KICF) "Harunire Concert" and we will be returning this year to perform at the Karuizawa International Choir Competition (Formerly "Singing Game").
KICF will be held between Friday, August 19, 2022 - Sunday, August 21, 2022 in Karuizawa, Kitasaku, Nagano. The choir competition will be held on Sunday, August 21 starting at 10am.
Be sure to stop by and listen!
For those who would like to sing with us, please be sure to contact us here!
We currently have openings in our Tenor, Baritone, and Bass sections!
Get in touch today to schedule a visit to a rehearsal!

#japan #tokyo #nagano #karuizawa #choir #choirinjapan #choirintokyo #mixedchoir #singwithus #karuizawainternationalchoirfestival #karuizawainternationalchoircompetition #choralfestival #choirfestival #choircompetition #choircontest #visit #joinus #tenor #baritone #bass